L Tilings

L triominoes are one of my favourite tiling shapes. I have written about them on my blog before and I return to them again and again. I played around with them last year during Annie Perkin's Math Art Challenge though I didn't spend as long on the idea as I would have liked to. 

Here is the basic structure:

But you can mix and match the sizes of the Ls. Here are some examples coloured examples with different scaled Ls. I think you can always colour these patterns in 3 colours but I made a mistake on the right hand design. 

It is possible to tile a square with Ls and only one tiny square missing. Here are some different ways of colouring them to show different aspects of the structure. How else could they be coloured?

For more decorative fun create a simple decorative motif in the L shape and repeat it in all the L's:

Here is a piece created from the above dart design:

Finally I saw this on twitter the other day and I think it is utterly lovely!!
